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Accession #  52 PSI-MS Name  Guanidinyl Interim Name  Guanidination
Description  Guanidination
Alt. Description  homoarginine
Composition  H(2) C N(2) Monoisotopic  42.021798 Average  42.0400
Specificity Definition 1
Site  K Position  Anywhere Classification  Chemical derivative
Specificity Definition 2
Site  N-term Position  Any N-term Classification  Chemical derivative
Notes and References 
Source  PubMed PMID Reference  11821862
Source  Misc. URL Reference  ASMS 2001 abstract
Source  PubMed PMID Reference  11078590
Source  PubMed PMID Reference  11085420
Source  Journal Reference  Anal. Biochem. 287, p110-117, 2000
Notes  Specific for sidechain of lysine. Does not modify the N-termini except for glycine at a slower rate than the side chain of lysine.
Curator  unimod Last Modified  2011-11-21 13:56:40 Verified  Yes
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