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Accession #  94 PSI-MS Name  IMID Interim Name  IMID_light
Description  IMID d0
Alt. Description  2-methoxy-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazole derivative
Alt. Description  Lys imidazole
Composition  H(4) C(3) N(2) Monoisotopic  68.037448 Average  68.0773
Specificity Definition 1
Site  K Position  Anywhere Classification  Isotopic label
Notes and References 
Source  PubMed PMID Reference  11746907
Source  Journal Reference  Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, Volume 15, Issue 24 , Pages 2387 - 2392
Source  Misc. URL Reference  Agilent Lys Tag 4H Reagent Kit
Source  Misc. URL Reference  Poster: Kelly Zhang, Gordon Nicol, Nina Zolotarjova, Cory Szafranski, Jerome Bailey, Liang-Sheng Yang, and Barry Boyes
Curator  Liao Last Modified  2006-10-16 10:33:45 Verified  Yes
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